(CargoON) Shipper Monitoring

Updated 5 months ago by Ania

Monitoring of trucks has become a norm. Information on when exactly the goods will be delivered to the unloading place may be of great importance to the shipper. Thus, on the new Trans.eu Platform there is a module which allows you to ask the contractor to provide monitoring.

As an ordering party you can require a load monitoring from your subcontractors and also check what is happening on the route directly from the Platform.

How to create a monitoring task

There are three possibilities presented below:

  1. A monitoring task can be created manually – description on how to do this:
  • click the Monitoring module from the left-hand menu
  • click the green ”Create new” button
  • complete the form
  • using the green ”Create task” button, send it to the Carrier and wait for a decision

  1. Monitoring task as a requirement in the order
  • click the Monitoring module from the left-hand menu
  • if the freight was accepted together with the contractor on the Platform, the order was created automatically, find it on the list in the Active tab
  • complete data in the order and select the "Duty of monitoring" option on the Platform
  • click the green ”Send for acceptance” button and wait for the Carrier’s decision (acceptance by the Carrier of an order with a marked monitoring requirement automatically causes the Carrier to accept the monitoring task)

  1. Monitoring task after freight acceptance
  • click the Monitoring module from the left-hand side menu 
  • go to the New tab
  • if the freight was accepted, you will find a new task on the list – send it to the Carrier

  • once the monitoring task is sent to the Carrier, its status changes to “Waiting for a response"

  • if the Carrier rejects the monitoring task, it will be moved to the Archive tab with the rejected status. By clicking on the task line, you can see the reason added by the Carrier 

  • "Ready for implementation" status means that your Carrier has accepted the monitoring task and completed the required data
  • In the task line you can see the date and time of when the monitoring starts

  • the telematics signal from the devices related to the task will be made available 30 minutes before its start (advance time is specified in the company configuration and can be set for each monitoring task separately)
  • go to the Active tab, you will see a new status of the task: “En route”

  • click on the task line to view the detailed information

Information about the monitoring task

If anything unexpected happens on the route, you will receive an alert describing the event as well as information about an expected delay. The detailed list of events can be followed in a new window. It presents information about each activity related to the carriage.

  • the alert includes a description of the event as well as information about a delay expected by the driver 

  • a given alert can be marked as read with the use of the orange dot

Using the application, the driver can confirm:

  • arrival at the loading and unloading zone – together with a notification of a completed operation you will receive information on the time of notification and the location of the place from which the report was sent

  • when the task is completed, its status changes to Finished and it is moved to the Archive tab

The system will end the monitoring task and stop sharing data about the location of devices used for monitoring of transport when:

  • the vehicle enters the last planned unloading zone and will stay there for a specific amount of time (30 minutes) or when it departs before this time
  • after 24 hours following the planned completion of the operation in the last unloading zone, the system, on the basis of the location data, does not find the vehicle in this zone, the duration of monitoring is automatically extended by the expected delay time reported by the driver
  • the completed monitoring task is moved to the Archive tab and you can always view its course there

Thanks to the possibility of monitoring loads, your shipper has quick access to current information on what is happening with the load, you will be updated on any possible delays in its implementation.

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