Regional Exchange

Updated 5 months ago by Małgorzata

Marking access to the Regional Exchange

The platform has been given the opportunity to access only offers from your region.

  • In the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, going to the "EXCHANGE" module and then to the "Loads Exchange" in the upper right-hand corner a flag (or flags if your region includes several countries) appears indicating access to the Regional Exchange.
  • In the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, going to the "EXCHANGE" module and then "Vehicle Exchange" in the upper right-hand corner, a flag (or flags if your region includes several Countries) appears indicating access to the Regional Exchange.

What are the possibilities of using the Regional Exchange?

  1. In both the freight exchange and the vehicle exchange, by filtering the exchange offers in the loading and unloading field, you will select locations from the region. For detailed information on how to use stock exchange filters go to the article.
  • In the menu on the left side of the screen, by going to the "EXCHANGE" module and then to the "Loads exchange" module, filtering the cargo offers, both in the loading and unloading field, you will select the locations located in your region.
  • Similarly, in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, going to the "EXCHANGE" module and then to the "Vehicle exchange" module, filtering the offers of free vehicles, both in the loading and unloading fields you will select the locations located in your region.

  1. Using the markers (located at the loading and unloading windows) - you will display a map - you will mark the areas available within your region. To learn more about how to search for offers in selected areas using a handy map, go to the article.
  • By filtering offers on the loads exchange, using a handy map (which you will open available in the marker located at loading and unloading) you have the possibility to select areas within your region.
  • Similarly, by filtering the offers in the vehicle exchange, using a handy map (which you will open available in the marker located at loading and unloading) you have the possibility to select areas within your region.
  1. Also in case of publication of a free vehicle, its availability will include specific locations within your region. To find out how to publish your vehicle go to the article.
  • In the menu on the left side of the screen in the "EXCHANGE" module by going to "Vehicle Exchange" and then in the upper right corner by clicking "Add Vehicle" in the loading and unloading field you have the possibility to choose a location located in your region.
  • When publishing the vehicle, you can also use a handy map, where you can indicate the area within the region.

  1. On the platform in the "Maps" module you will map any route regardless of whether it is within the region or not.
  • In the menu on the left side of the screen, going to the "Maps" module you will display a map, where in the upper left you have the option of routing from point A to point B.
Remember! even though you have access to the Regional Market on the map, you can calculate any route.

  1. If you have freight whose place of loading or unloading (or both) is outside your region, you have the opportunity to publish it on the exchange. To learn more about how to add freight to the exchange go to the article.
  • In the menu on the left side of the screen, going to the "FREIGHT" module in the upper right hand side of the year, by clicking "Add freight" in the publication window, you have the possibility to choose any loading and unloading place.
Attention! In the loads exchange you will not see any freight published on a route outside the region. To make sure it has been properly added to the exchange, go to the "FREIGHT" module and check its status. To learn how to filter published offers in the "FREIGHT" module go to the article.
  • In the menu on the left side of the screen go to the "FREIGHT" module and then to the "Sent" tabs where you will see the added freight and have the possibility to check its status.

  1. You have the option of building the databases of your contractors - a summary with the entire list of active Trans Platform clients located in the "Contractors" module. To include what is compatible with this module and how to add contractors, go to the article.
  • In the menu on the left side of the screen, going to the "Contractors" module in the "Companies" tab in the search window you will find any company from the Trans Platform's client base, and then you will be able to add it to the group of your counterparties on the platform.

  1. You have the ability to create groups, which in turn allows you to publish your freight within the private sector without any restrictions. To learn more about how to create groups go to the article.
  • While staying in the "Contractors" module after searching for a specific company by clicking on the "three dots" icon you have the possibility to add it to the group.
Remember! Freight publications within the private sector are not limited to the region alone. The place of loading or unloading (or both) may be outside the region.

What is the difference between access to the regional exchange and access to the full version of the exchange?

Key differences will appear:

  1. while filtering loads market offers in the "EXCHANGE" module
  2. when publishing a free vehicle offer
  3. by mapping the route in the "Maps" module
  4. on the Communicator Trans

  1. By filtering the exchange offers in the freight exchange as well as in the vehicle exchange in the loading and unloading field you will only select locations within the region of the Regional Exchange.
  • In the menu on the left side of the screen, by going to the "EXCHANGE" module, and then "Loads exchange", by filtering the offers of loads, both in the loading and unloading field, you can only choose locations from those within the region.
  • In the menu on the left side of the screen, by going to the "EXCHANGE" module, and then the "Vehicle exchange" filtering vehicle offers, both in the loading and unloading field you can only choose locations from those within the region.
Remember! By using a handy map to filter stock market offers, the selection of loading and unloading areas from this level will also be limited to the region.
  1. Publishing a free vehicle will also not be able to choose locations outside the region.
  • In the window of adding a vehicle in the field "Loading area", it is not possible to select a location outside the region covered by the Regional Exchange.
  • In the window of adding a vehicle in the field "Unloading area" it is not possible to select a location outside the region covered by the Regional Exchange.
Remember! When publishing a vehicle, placing information about the area of ​​availability, using a handy map, your selection will be limited to the area of ​​the region.
  1. In the "Maps" module of the range from the designated route (in the region of the region or beyond) there are no icons on the map informing about loads in its vicinity.
  • In the full version of the exchange, after calculating the route, information about available loads will appear on the map.
  • when using the regional exchange, route mapping will not appear on the map about available loads.
  1. The Trans communicator will not display a counter of offers informing about active freight and vehicle offers on the exchange.
  • Compared to the full version of the platform, using only the regional exchange, the communicator's contact list will not display a counter informing about the number of active offers published by the person's company on the exchange.
Attention! There will be no search engine in the contact list, so it will not be possible to search for any of the people with active accounts on the platform. The search window will appear only in the "last messages" field.

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