Messenger functions

Learn how to turn on the messenger, check the conversation history or translate messages.

Messenger settings

Learn how you can set your messenger options.

Messenger in Loads2GO!

Learn more about TransMessenger, which allows you to chat with your contractor in Loads2GO! mobile application

Contact groups on Messenger

Learn how to create contact groups on the messenger and add new users to them.

Information in the chat window that the caller is on the debt exchange

In the Messenger you may find information whether a given company has liabilities on the debt exchange.

Negotiations and acceptance of offers in the Messenger by the Carrier

From this article you will learn: - how to propose and negotiate a rate - how the shipper can react to your offer - how to accept or reject an offer - how to withdraw an offer

Negotiation and acceptance of offers in the messenger - forwarders (TFF) and CargoON

From this article you will learn how to: - negotiate, accept or reject offers - propose your price - withdraw offers - negotiate with several carriers at the same time Platform notifications and sounds

Learn how to set up notifications and sounds on the load exchange, in the messenger and your browser.

Type & activity report

See the Type & activity graph to learn which channels are used to negotiate the freights published by your employees.

Direct offers - Forwarder

In this article you will learn how to publish direct offers using the Add freight button and how to publish direct offers from messenger.

Conversation archive

From this article you will learn how to: - search for a conversation in the archive - export a conversation to a PDF file

FAQ about ratings

Learn more about ratings.

Set a route and filter offers on the map

Learn how to easily set a route on a map and how to filter the offers you are interested in.

Employee accounts

From this article you will learn: - how to add an employee account - what are the roles and accesses on the Platform account, what is a technical account - how to change settings on an employee's account - how to activate or delete an account

Search for vehicle offers in Loads2GO!

From this article you will learn: - how to search for free vehicle listings in Loads2GO! - how to use offer search filters - how to establish cooperation with the offer publisher

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