untitled article

Updated 11/10/24 by Małgorzata

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all users of the Trans.eu Platform and CargoON.

Messenger is a tool for contacting contractors. It allows you to exchange necessary information and arrangements regarding transactions.

The messenger is divided into 3 tabs:

  • first tab - recent conversations that are always at hand
  • second tab - contexts, i.e. grouping conversations by topics (freights, orders, other)
  • third tab - contacts

Turn on the Messenger

  1. Method 1
  • in the top right-hand corner click on the Messenger marked with a cloud icon
  • click Turn on the messenger

  1. Method 2
  • in the top right-hand corner click on the User panel icon (it may contain your photo, if you have added it, or your initials by default)
  • select Turn on the messenger from the list

Contact information in the messenger

In the upper part of the messenger you can view the information about the interlocutor, i.e. phone number and company name.

Moreover, under the three-dot icon, there are additional options available, such as turning on/off the message sound.

Contact business card view

When hovering the mouse cursor over a contact name in the messenger window, the business card preview for that contact will appear. The business card is also available in the conversation window if you hover the mouse cursor over a contact name.

In the business card there is the Copy to clipboard button, which can be used to automatically copy:

  • company name
  • location
  • contractor's name
  • TransId
  • phone number

Translation of messages

To facilitate communication with a contractor whose language version of the Platform is different from yours, you can translate messages that you send and receive.

  • translation of the sent message

Type your message > click on the selected symbol > the text will be translated automatically

  • translation of the received message

Click on the selected symbol in the conversation window > the text will be translated automatically

Conversation history

  • all conversations with a contractor can be found in one window
  • conversations about offers are separated from each other by a frame with the offer description
  • the active conversation context is highlighted in a different color
  • all contexts are arranged chronologically

Under the three-dot icon it is possible to adjust the view:

  • Show only messages in context - for example, displaying a conversation about a given order
  • Show whole conversation history - the view of all conversations held with the interlocutor

Sort the contact list

  1. by name (A-Z) - default setting

To do so:

  • go to "Contacts"
  • click "All"
  • select "Last name A-Z"

  1. by company name (A-Z)

To do so:

  • go to "Contacts"
  • click "All"
  • select "Company name A-Z"

Add a contact to the list

A new contact can be added: 

  • in the contact list - by hovering the mouse over the pop-up menu icon and selecting the respective option
  • in the conversation window - after clicking the "human with plus" icon.

Delete contacts from the list

You can delete a contact:

  • from the contact list - by hovering the mouse over the pop-up menu icon and selecting the respective option
  • from the conversation window - by hovering the mouse over the pop-up menu icon and selecting the redpectiveoption

Counter of offers in the contact list

In the list, next to the contact name, there is a counter indicating how many loads and/or vehicles the company currently has on the exchange.

  • when clicking on the icon (vehicle/load), a filter is opened on the exchange (vehicles/loads)

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