Creating groups of contractors

Updated 8/8/24 by Ania

Who can use this function?​

This function is available to users of the CargoON product line and forwarding (TFF - Trans for Forwarders).

From this article you will learn how to:

  • create a group of contractors
  • manage groups
  • add a company to a group

Creating groups of contractors

You can do this:

  1. In the search box, look for particular companies by entering their name or Tax ID.
  2. Select companies that you want to assign to a group.
  3. Select Add to group and create a new group by clicking on New group.

  1. Name the group and add a short description (optional).
  2. Click Save group.

  1. Click on Add group.

  1. Name the group and add a short description (optional).
  2. Click on Save group.

Management of groups

  1. The created groups can be managed in the Groups tab. Next to a given item in the list, click the three dots and go to one of the options available in the list.

  1. This is done by clicking on a particular group in the list and then clicking the More button in the drawer. Select one of the options available in the list.

Adding companies to a group

You have the possibility of adding a company:

  • while creating a group

  1. In the Add new group window by clicking on Add companies to group.

  1. Under the Groups tab, search for a group that you want to assign companies to. Then, click the three dots and select Add companies to group from the list.

In both cases, the next window will be displayed.

  1. Use the search engine to select the chosen company, assign it to the particular group and click Save group.

  1. Under the Companies tab, search for the company, click the three dots and select Add to group.

You can do this:

  • individually, by adding single companies to the database of contractors

  • in bulk, by adding several companies to the database of contractors at the same time

One company can be assigned to several groups.

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