untitled article

Updated 26/6/24 by Małgorzata

Who can use this function?

  • Trans for Forwarders and Trans for Carriers users who do not have access to the Trans.eu Exchange product
  • CargoOn users who do not have access to the Freight Platform or Dock Scheduler product

From this article you will learn how to:

  • get access to the Trans.eu Exchange
  • order additional products for CargoON

How to get access for the carrier (TFC) and forwarder (TFF)

  1. To place an order, click the green Get access button.


The ordering process presented below for the carrier line (TFC) is the same for the forwarder line (TFF). The only difference is the subscription amount.

Link to the price list - here

  1. W oknie zamawiania zaznacz przyciskiem Dodaj produkt, który chcesz zamówić, a następnie kliknij Dalej.

  1. Wybierz typ rozliczenia i sprawdź podsumowanie płatności. Jeśli wszystko się zgadza, potwierdź za pomocą przycisku Zamawiam dostęp.

  1. Read the contract, scroll down to the very bottom to activate the Accept contract button.

  1. Enter the required details of the person who will receive the information on acceptance of the contract. You can use Assign me option, which inserts the details of the person currently logged in. Confirm with the green button.

  1. Order confirmation will be displayed on the Platform.

  1. The previously specified person will receive an e-mail message with information about the order placed and confirmation of the conclusion of the contract for the use of the Trans.eu Platform.

How to order CargoON access

  1. To place an order, click the green Get access button.

  1. Select a product.

  1. Select the product variant and settlement type. Confirm with the green Get access now button.

  1. Read the contract, scroll down to the very bottom to activate the Accept contract button.

  1. Enter the required details of the person who will receive the information on acceptance of the contract. You can use Assign me option, which inserts the details of the person currently logged in. Confirm with the green button.

  1. Order confirmation will be displayed on the Platform

  1. The previously specified person will receive an e-mail message with information about the order placed and confirmation of the conclusion of the contract for the use of the Trans.eu Platform.

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