untitled article

Updated 18/10/24 by Małgorzata

Who can use this function?

This function is available to all users of the Trans.eu Platform and CargoON.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to negotiate and conclude transactions during the publication of the offer
  • how to confirm transactions after the publication of the offer has ended
  • how to go to the selection of financial services

Concluding a formal transaction from the carrier’s perspective

A formal transaction takes place when both parties confirm the conclusion of cooperation within an offer on the Trans.eu Platform. If you decide to conclude a formal transaction, you will have the opportunity to:

  • issue a rating and comment to the contractor,
  • use products supporting payment security on preferential terms,
  • impact on the Trans Risk index of a given user.

Offers marked as QuickPay have a higher chance of obtaining financing because the contractor and offer parameters (payment method, currency) have been verified in terms of the possibility of obtaining financing).

Negotiating in the offer details window

  1. Offers of loads to be transported can be found in the Search loads module. Click on the offer you are interested in to expand the window with freight details.
  2. In the Rate field, enter the amount for which you will provide the transport service, and then click Send.

  1. The status, visible in the upper right corner, will change to Your offer is pending acceptance. Until your contractor responds to the offer you sent, you can withdraw it.
The offer you are negotiating will appear in the Under negotiation and watched tab in the Search loads module.
  1. Wait for the contractor's response. Upon receiving your offer, the contractor may:
  • Accept your offer - you will then see the status Offer accepted.
  • Reject your offer - you will see a message about the rejection of the price offer. Both parties can resume negotiations.
  • Negotiate the offer you have submitted - in such a situation, the Accept or negotiate rate status will appear, and in the Rate field you will see the contractor's counteroffer.

- If you want to agree to the proposed amount - click Accept.

- If you want to negotiate further, enter a new proposal in the Rate window and then click Send.

You can also discuss and negotiate the terms of the offer directly in the messenger. Check how to do it here.
  1. An offer accepted by both parties will be moved to Search loads > Accepted.

Selecting financial services - offer accepted

inside info: please move the entire chapter to the end of the article

  1. If your offer, or the one of someone else from your company, has been accepted, you will find it in the Accepted tab in the Search loads module.
  2. Find the item you are interested in on the list of accepted offers and click Choose financial services.
  1. The window to Choose financial services will appear. Review the offer and click the button next to the solution that suits you.
  1. You will be redirected you to the provider of your choice, where you will report financial services.

internal info delete screen

Transaction confirmation after the offer publication ends

You can confirm the transaction if the offer has been deleted or its publication period has expired and it has not been formally accepted before.

  1. Go to the Archive tab in the Search loads module. You can find there offers that did not result in successful negotiations, i.e. when the client:

- finished negotiations with you,

- chose the offer of another carrier,

- ended the publication of the offer.

  1. Find the item you are interested in on the list of archived offers and click the Confirm transaction button.
You have one year from the end of publication to confirm the transaction.
  1. You will see a message with the freight details that you are confirming. Complete the rate and check the box I confirm the conclusion of the transaction and then click Save and move on.
The client will receive notification of your confirmation and will be able to accept or reject it. If they accept it:
- you will be able to issue a rating,
- the freight will change status and will appear in Search loads > Accepted.

Until the client accepts your confirmation, the offer will remain in Search for loads > Archive, and you can use financial services for offers confirmed only by you.

  1. The window to Choose financial services will appear. Review the offer and click the button next to the solution that suits you.

You can also close the window and submit an invoice later. To do this, click Choose financial services.To do this, click Choose financial services.

  1. You will be redirected to the provider of your choice where you will report financial services.

internal info delete screen

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