Search for vehicle offers in Loads2GO

Updated 28/11/24 by Małgorzata

Who can use this function in Loads2GO?

Function available to carriers using Loads2GO application.

From this article you will learn how to:

● search for available vehicle offers in Loads2GO

● use the offer search filters

● start cooperation with the offer publisher

By using the Vehicle exchange module, you can see the offers of available vehicles published on the Platform.

Filter vehicle offers

Using filters defined on the Platform
  1. ​delete this point
  2. Select Vehicles exchange.

for other languages: make sure here is a screen compatible with the EN version

  1. Click on Set filters, then select the one you want to use. Filters are synchronized with the Platform on an ongoing basis.

for other languages: make sure here is a screen compatible with the EN version

  1. The results of filtering offers will be displayed on the screen.

for other languages: make sure here is a screen compatible with the EN version

Add a new search filter
  1. ​delete this point
  2. Select Vehicles exchange

for other languages: make sure here is a screen compatible with the EN version

  1. Click on Set filters
  2. Click on Add search filter on exchange
  3. Fill in the criteria you are interested in. You can also select Save filter and enter its name to use it in the future.
  4. Confirm your selection by clicking Search.

for other languages: make sure here is a screen compatible with the EN version

Click Show additional filters button to narrow the search by:
- additional vehicle parameters
- searched phrase
- rate per kilometer

  1. The results of filtering offers will be displayed on the screen.

for other languages: make sure here is a screen compatible with the EN version

Establish cooperation with the publisher

  1. Click on the offer you are interested in to find out more.
  2. You will see two tabs:
  • Details - where you can check:
    • evaluation and details of the company issuing the offer
    • route on the map
    • company information
    • vehicle parameters
    • contact person details
    for other languages: make sure here is a screen compatible with the EN version

  • About company - where you can check detailed information about the company issuing the offer:
    • reliability of the payment
    • basic data, incl. OfficeID, company address, tax identification number
    • company documents
    • certificates held
    for other languages: make sure here is a screen compatible with the EN version

You can quickly contact the publisher of the offer within all tabs. Use:
- the phone icon to make a call or
- the chat icon to start a conversation.

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