Overview of modules for Shippers
Who can use this function? This function is available to users of the CargoON Platform for shippers. |
From this article you will learn:
- what the basic modules of the Trans.eu Platform are
- what functions the individual modules of the Trans.eu Platform have
Overview of the modules
Freights - the following tabs can be found in this module:
- Added - all freight offers published by your company (with the "Waiting for offers" status) and unpublished freight drafts (with the "Draft" status) are found here. There are also offers from carriers (with "Choose carrier" status).
- Accepted - if you published a freight, all your offers that resulted in a formal transaction on the platform can be found here.
- Archive - if you published a freight, all your offers with the "Completed" status can be found in this tab.

Search loads - in this module you will find loads to be transported.
- Search loads - in this tab you can search for loads on the exchange. Use the filter options to find offers and add new tabs with your own search parameters.

On the left you will find 2 tabs:
- Private (tab icon) - offers from companies who have invited you to join their private exchange can be found here.
- All - this is where all offers published on the exchange are listed.
On the right you will find 3 tabs:
- Under negotiation and watched (clock icon) - includes all offers which:
- you negotiate
- you chat about on messenger,
- you add to Watched.
- Accepted (checkmark icon) - all formally accepted offers by your company can be found here. All employees of your company share this tab.
- Archive (box icon) - the following offers are shown here:
- offers for which the negotiations were not successful and the time for publication has expired (the unloading date has passed or the offer has been removed from the exchange)
- archived received freights.
Vehicle exchange - in this module you will find the vehicle that will carry your load.
- Vehicle exchange - in the "All" tab you can find a list containing vehicle offers. It refreshes on a regular basis. You can filter vehicles and add new tabs with your own search parameters.

- My vehicle offers - this module consists of 2 tabs:
- My offers - there are all offers of available vehicles published by your company.
- Archive - a detailed history of vehicles offered by your company can be found here.

Dashboard - is a module that displays information about processes in your company supported on the Trans.eu Platform. Data is presented using interactive widgets.
You can customize the module view using the following buttons:
- Edit- to change the position of the widget or remove it
- Add widget - to add widgets to the Dashboard.

Orders - this is the module that contains all the transactions you have made on the Platform.
If a transaction is concluded on the Platform, a transport order will automatically appear next to it. It contains information from the accepted offer.
Orders can also be added manually using the Add order button.
You can manage them under the "Active" tab. In the "Archive" tab you will check the history of orders.

Transports in realization - in the Transports in realization module you will find all information about transport tasks, the stage of execution, and notifications about events requiring your attention.

Transport tasks are divided into 4 tabs:
- Active - here you can find tasks that are waiting to start or are currently in progress.
- New - this tab includes transport tasks that require additional data.
- Completed - contains completed transport tasks.
- Archived - all orders completed and confirmed by the shipper are stored here.

Maps - in this module you can set a route, calculate costs and check road restrictions on specific routes. You can also search for offers by route or nearby a particular area.

Schedules (Dock Scheduler) - within the module you can manage your warehouses and their schedules, as well as assign time slots to carriers and handle bookings.

Bookings - this module is only available if you have both add-ons enabled in Dock Scheduler - Schedules and bookings.
The module is used to manage received time slots (bookings) and the loading and unloading schedule.

If you have a shared warehouse in the Bookings module, you will find the following tabs there:
- Time slots - a list of time slots previously created by the shipper.
- My bookings - operations already booked/completed.
- Schedule - the warehouse schedule, in which you can enter your booking.
Automation rules - a module which helps you decide who should receive your freight offers and in what order. The module contains a list of automatic rules you have created and which can be managed by you.

Contractors - here is where you add trusted companies.
- In the "Companies" tab you can find a list of all companies added to the contractors list.
- "Private exchange" - is a list to which you invite verified carriers that you have worked with on the public exchange.
- "Groups" - this is a table with a list of groups you have created, you can add your contractors to them.
- "Invitations sent" - a list of companies which you invited to the Platform, you can check the status of your invitation there.

Fixed routes with carriers - a module in which you manage regular cooperation and contacts with trusted carriers.
- "Active" - in this tab you can find all the fixed routes you have created.
- "Archive" - this tab contains archived or completed contracts within the fixed route.

Conversation Archive - in this module you will find archived conversations. They can be exported to a PDF file.

Ratings and references - a module which allows you to rate a contractor and see how you are rated by others. There following tabs can be found here:
- Issue a rating - you can rate a contractor once the service has been provided.
- Ask for rating - this is where details of each completed order that is awaiting assessment are found. From this level, you can also send a request for a rating to a contractor.
- Summary of ratings - under this tab you will see how you were rated by your contractors.
- Archive - it contains the history of your company's ratings, as well as transactions for which the time for rating has passed.
- References - this tab allows you to give references to a contractor. References you have received can also be found here.
- Requests for references - here you will find requests for references from contractors. You can also send a request for a reference to a contractor yourself.

BI Reports - a module activated as an additional functionality of the Trans.eu Platform.
Based on data extracted from the modules: Freights and Schedules, the reports present an up-to-date picture of the market situation and show the efficiency of your business.

Trans.INFO - a module with the latest news from the logistics and transport sector.

These are all modules for shippers whose purpose is to facilitate everyday work, support transport management and load monitoring to make work more seamless and efficient.